
"We track blades".

BladeTracker BV is located in the centre of The Netherlands. Founded by
Steven De Lannoy, it has developed a method to inspect wind turbine blades in operation.
The first idea for this specific application originated over 5 years ago. In the meantime, we have executed an extensive field test program to scale up from mid size turbines to larger sizes. Now, several prototypes and a patent application further, we are confident to enter the market. However, you will still find us testing in some fields in The Netherlands as we are continuously improving the system. Currently we offer onshore blade inspections, the offshore system is under development.
BladeTracker can provide a full coverage blade inspection, but there are some interesting special cases that might suit your special requirements:

Special cases
DB57F280-D30C-4ABC-9753-BBE0FCC3A5B6_1_201_a Leading Edge Erosion. Aeret Restricted fly zones.
54B54491-EDDB-42F3-A332-2FD0F3A51BFE_1_105_c BladeTracker and drones.

Technical background
BeFunky-collage 3x2 How do we quantify contrast? 2641E99B-A8F5-4423-A33A-DDE91F7738CD_1_105_c The planning process.
81224285-A50C-488D-AFD9-1DF55859E2E7_1_105_cHow Megapixels and horsepower relate.

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how to Link with BladeTracker.